We were tasked with creating monthly content for an industry-specific consumer business in the home improvements industry - an online tile shop - to flesh out the client’s website with timely, trend-led pieces of content, with a balance of helpful long-form guide pieces and short-form seasonal, style conscious copy to both rank well, assist in pushing customers down the sales funnel and create brand awareness.
On this occasion, we were asked to create a specific guide piece to offer information and expertise on the timeless appeal of Victorian Tiles. The customer steered us towards drafting a long-form post that gave readers plenty of context, a history of the style of these tiles, and helpful how-to’s for ways to incorporate Victorian Tiles within the home using modern replica tiles in both contemporary and traditional abodes. Our writer did a great job, executing the perfect blend of tone of voice, relevant information, inspiration and CTA’s.
Love us or we’ll refund you, no quibbles. If after a few rounds of revisions you’re not absolutely loving your content, your money will be back in your pocket quicker than you can figure out how to pronounce Conturae*